I look down on the floor. A lot of my preciously hair lay there. I feel bald in my neck. My fingers can’t stop touch the last long tips. “What do you think?” the barber asks. I need to look in the mirror. I look up, see myself. My hair is still longer than other boys’. But maybe just half so long as then I started. “Eh” I said. It’s a very weird feeling I have right now. But I know not more hair shall of.
“I can try to style it a little” she says. She smiles to me. I answer with an awkward grimace. She starts to set it. In front of my eyes I just see her pretty small hands. I start to relax. I trust the barber because she knows my wishes about my look. Not like my mother there want to have a boy with short hair and tight clothes. She’s finish with the forehead. I can’t see the dark hair in front of my eyes no more.
“That’s it!” she says. I look one more time in the mirror. Wow. “It’s beautiful … thanks” My smile is big. She laughs. “You’re welcome Bill” she says. I interrupt her with shaking my head. “Just William maam” I said.
The clock is ringing. It is Monday morning. Not again, I think and touch the snooze bottom. Just twenty minutes after I hear my mother. “William! You are late for school… again!” I stand up, my eyes itch. I look at the time. Oh shit! The class starts about a quarter ago. I take my clothes on fast and just brush the hair quickly.
“Good morning Billy”, the teacher says, “Forgot the time again?” I’m wet and stand in the doorway. The last thing I need is grouse sarcasm. I walk with heavy steps back in the classroom. “Nice hair Billygirl” Simon says with a tricky face. Great! More teas comments from the bully… Could this day be much verse!?
It should be verse. Now my hair is dry again the tips going inwards, makes me looks a little boy with a bowled haircut. Simon and his crew was the first to recognize it. “Hey… we have a new student in our class” they had said. “Welcome nerdy Bill” Everybody laughed, even Sam.
Sam calls at me. He sits alone. I am very close to go my way. Sam hasn’t been nice to me. When I have need some back out he just go against me and laugh with the rest of the class. He knows in the same time how much my hair and look means to me. It’s not such a thing, a best friend normally do, right?
“Hey William! Over here!” Sam sits with the hands in the air, he has seeing me. I sight and go over to the table. “Like your hair” he says then I sit down. Snort! “Something else you want?” I asked a kind madly. “Oh yeah” he says, “Almost forgotten to tell you… I think we should start up a band” I drop my tray because of the chock I got.
MSA - MySimpelAngel
Hvis i ikke kan lide Green Day er i kommet til den forkerte blog xD Men snakker om andet bare rolig ;P
Måske kender i mig andre steder fra =) Måske ikke xD
Kalder mig MSA, altså MySimpelAngel og har både bruger på nethorse.dk, hestegalleri.dk og youtube.com ... :)
Velkommen til min anden blog; Going to Christy Road :D
Måske kender i mig andre steder fra =) Måske ikke xD
Kalder mig MSA, altså MySimpelAngel og har både bruger på nethorse.dk, hestegalleri.dk og youtube.com ... :)
Velkommen til min anden blog; Going to Christy Road :D
Jeg skriver ikke regelmæssigt i den forstand at jeg kommer på præcist den og den dag i ugen og skriver ...
jeg skriver regelmæssigt på den måde at jeg så ofte som muligt skriver når jeg kommer i tanke om noget relevant eller bare keder mig xD
jeg skriver regelmæssigt på den måde at jeg så ofte som muligt skriver når jeg kommer i tanke om noget relevant eller bare keder mig xD
tirsdag den 14. februar 2012
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